C# 5.0 in Nutshell free ebook Download
If you have a question about C # 5.0 or NET CLR. This bestselling guide has exactly the answers you need. Uniquely organized around concepts and use cases, this updated fifth edition features a revamped section on concurrency, threading, and parallel programs in depth coverage of C # 5.0? New asynchronous functions.Shaped by more than 20 expert judges, including Microsoft? s Eric Lipper, Stephen TOUBA, Chris Burrows and Jon Skeet, this book has all you need to stay on track with C # 5.0. It is widely recognized as the definitive reference on language.Get to accelerate C # language basics, including syntax, types, variables and advanced topics such as unsafe code and type of altercation dig deep into LINQ Explore by three chapters devoted to information more on the topic of code contracts, dynamic programming and parallel programming to work with NET features including reflection, churches, memory management, security, I / O, XML, collections, network, and interacting native "C # 5.0 in a nutshell is one. little books held at my desk as a quick reference. "Scott Guthrie?, Microsoft" if you're a beginner or an expert programmer who wants your knowledge of modern techniques of asynchronous programming improves, this book has information you need to get the job done in C #. "Eric Lipper?, Microsoft
E-book Details:
ISBN-10: 1449320104
ISBN-13: 9781449320102
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pages: 1064
Date: June 2012
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